Saturday, May 23, 2009

Finally there - BRAZIL

Well well, lovely people. I´m here at last in S-America. I arrived to Fortaleza last night, without any clue what to expect. And to make it a little bit more exciting I didn´t book a place to sleep and didn´t have any info on the city since I had to leave my lovely south america guide book in Germany when I had my flight to Portugal. It was too heavy to take with me. So I landed and was a bit freaked out to see all those people with medical masks and big posters about the pig flu. But understandable that they do it on the airport, because I haven´t seen anybody wearing that in the city. So I got through and found this tourist info spot and tried to ask for a hostel. The woman didn´t speak a word of english of course so I tried my limited portugese which I had gotten from staying in Portugal for almost 3 weeks. The woman wasn´t very helpful but this random guy who supposedly works in the airport booked a place for me and showed me the taxi. I arrived at the hotel and was totally dead. Today it has been raining like crazy and I´ve been around a bit getting soaking wet. I checked out another hostel that belongs to a woman I found on Couchsurfing and she invited me to lunch and to meet her friends. So later I will meet up with them but in the mean time I´ll recover from my icecold shower, yeah yeah welcome to Brazil.

I have to say, although I only intended to stay in portugal for a few days and ended up staying there for almost 3 weeks I most certanly do not regret it. I had a great time and had the chance to learn a bit of portugese, I swear my portugese is probably better than my dutch. But Luis is still finishing some stuff over there and he will join me next week.

So this is the start and I will tell you all about my ways around this continent.

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