Monday, November 7, 2011

I was thinking..

What am I doing? What is it that is going on when I'm thinking? If a thought is an idea or experience of the environment, when does it start? How does thinking begins? Some say, like a fellow philosopher, Donald Davidson, that animals do not think. But do they have feelings? Pets make a gloomy sound when a loved one leaves. As must all mammals grow some form of affection for their infants as to have the need to take care of them. That, I would say, involves feelings. So then what is our advantage? What is it that separates us, humans, from other animals? We have the privilege of communicating our expressed feelings through language and therefor identify them with each other. With language we form and develop them through generations and time. But was our primary thinking just waves of stormy feelings flowing through our minds unable to escape to a "civilized" understanding? Do animals think with their heart like we all desperately wish to have the courage to do? I was just thinking..

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Today is now, tomorrow never.